The planet's happiest and most carbon-happy* loo roll!

Soft, strong and oh-so-absorbent loo rolls
Uranus Wiper bamboo toilet paper is as soft as a bushbaby's sigh and impressively absorbent, allowing you to use less with each wipe.
Nevertheless, it has tackled tougher vintage stools than the Antiques Roadshow. Yes, Uranus Wiper bog rolls are that strong too!
To top it off, we're actually cheaper than most supermarket loo roll sheet for sheet. So no need to break the bank for you to break your toilet.

déjà pöö !! We've all been here before haven’t we ?
Those cheeks-clenching moments when you run out of toilet roll. Now thanks to Uranus Wiper Subscribe and Save, you can always stay stocked up. No more filling up trolleys or car boots with bulk toilet roll from Lidl, Tesco, Aldi, Sainsbury's, Asda, Co-op, Waitrose, Morrisons or your corner shop. Besides Sir Attenborough or Mr Money Saver may not approve of most supermarket toilet rolls.
At £0.19 per hundred sheets we're actually cheaper than leading brands so save your bottom line (financially & literally) with Uranus Wiper sustainable toilet roll subscribe and save option.

Why plastic-free packaging?
Yearly, toilet rolls used by 27.5m UK homes is wrapped in over 3 billion sq metres of single use plastic. Enough to envelop Brighton's pebbly sea shores around 6,897 times over, creating a plastic promenade from end to end. Not good.
Now, we earthlings cooked up admirable and lofty ideas like the Wheel, the Internet, and the errrrmm 💬...Selfie Stick*
So, when it comes to plastic pollution, we can surely do better by reducing single-use plastics in our bog rolls.
Doing better is exactly what Uranus Wiper is doing by offering you toilet paper without plastic packaging.
*(source = the Internet 🙈 )
Helping keep Earth and Uranus squeaky clean

You may also need our cooling & soothing haemorrhoid wipes
Drawing divine inspiration from St. Fiacre, the Patron Saint of Haemorrhoid Sufferers, Gardeners, and Taxi Drivers, Uranus Wiper also produces soothing, biodegradable flushable wipes specially formulated for haemorrhoids. Each wipe contains natural botanical ingredients like witch hazel, reducing itchiness and irritation from haemorrhoids.
Get them below👇🏼 (the wipes, not the haemorrhoids).